Uses of Echo® 9 Water

H2 Water for Home

At Home

Water quality matters.

The quality of the water we drink is even more important than the quantity we drink.

Your body is 70-80% water. Since water is such a large percentage of your body, you can literally change you by simply changing the water you drink. Studies have shown that water can greatly affect the way you feel and function. Your body uses water every day through breathing, perspiration, brain function, etc. At a minimum you must replace the water that is used for normal functions of daily living. If you don’t replace the water, you will be among the masses that are chronically dehydrated in the United States today.

The pivotal component of a healthy home is H2 Water.

Find out for yourself.
Take the time to study the differences in the water options you have today.

H2 Water for Office

At The Office

Why Use Echo 9 Water In Your Office?

  • Eliminate bottled water delivery services saving money.
    On average, a small office spends about $2,500 a year on bottled water service. You can purchase the Echo 9 with ROI in less than 13 months!
  • Provide health benefits to your employees.
    Keep employees alert, energetic, and healthier. Read clinical studies about the effects of Ionized Water.
H2 Water Cost Comparison

Cost Comparison

How Much Do You Spend on Bottled Water?

Based on the retail price of Echo® 7 Water Ionizer, including the annual filter replacement and the average cost of tap water at the rate of $.002 per gallon for the next 15 years. With decreased consumption of bottled water you will be contributing to the environment by reducing plastic pollution. You can also reduce your spending on many household cleaners and disinfectants, skin toner, after-shave, hair rinse, mouth wash, etc.

Take the time to take a closer look at your water costs. Start here…